Monday, October 4, 2010

Sekhem and Seichim History

Sekhem and Seichim

Sekhem is the Egyptian word that describes the universal energy. It translates most simply as “Power of Powers”. It is described as the power that the God , Goddesses and Pharaohs use. In ancient times Sekhem was placed before the Pharaohs name as a prefix of honor. Sekhem was also strongly associated with many of the Egyptian Deities.

Sekhmet was the most noticeable one just because her name includes it.

Osiris was called the great Sekhem, yet he is not mentioned much at all in many of the new Sekhem healing systems; the reason for this is the heavily Feminine aspects being taught today.

After my experience in the great pyramid

I did not have a name for the energy. I had been a student of Ancient Egypt especially the Architecture, this was one reason I become an Architect. I was studying sacred geometry and pyramids at a young age.

When I went to Heartwood College of Natural Healing to Study Hypnosis with David Quigley I met a woman named Christine Gerber, we became very dear friends and she offered to do channeling for me. It was then that the name began to surface. She did a very primitive form of channeling using a board that had letters on it. Her hand would move so fast on the board as it pointed to the letter she would speak it and her speed was so fast she could speak in normal speech. When I asked her the name she spelt out the name “S-e-t-i-m” This did not seem right to me so I meditated and a voice came to me with the pronunciation of Sei-Ch-im, I used both spellings Seichim and Seichem at that time.

I did not write this down in any form of manual. All my teachings were verbal at that time. Currently I still do not use a manual after 30 years. The reason the channeling was not correct was the CH and KH sound in Sekhem is a very hard guttural sound found in the current Hebrew and Arabic Language; that does not have an alphabetic equivalent.

The word Setim was also used in Egypt. The Setim word referred to the highest priest in Egypt. The Setim priest wore a robe of the stars on a blue background. He would perform the rituals of death and was considered the gate keeper.

Setim also means Acacia wood. Which is a very hard wood; possibly used by Noah for the ark. It also could mean Heartwood which was the place the channeling took place.

I did not use this name as it did not feel correct for the name of the energy.

I continued to call it Seichim, this was further reinforced when I contacted Kathleen McMaster who began to teach world wide and she needed a name for the energy.

It was several years later I was given the book “The Goddess Sekhmet” by Robert Masters. The Name Sekhem was mentioned throughout the book. It was then I realized that

the Egyptian Spelling Equivalent for Universal Energy and Power was Sekhem.

The symbol for Sekhem was a scepter. This scepter was held by many Deities of Ancient Egypt. It represents the connection of heaven and earth. Another symbol for Sekhem was a seated priest with a large arrow above his/her head. It was at this time I began to use the Sekhem spelling in conjunction with Seichim. The reason it was not popularly used is because many people were already using this common spelling. It was used in a Video game representing ancient power and it was used by a Gothic Rock band, so for most promotional use we used the very unique Seichim spelling.

The first published account is in Marsh Burack’s book “ Reiki Healing yourself and Others” This book was published in 1995. Marsha had been teaching. She very clearly points out the Sekhem and Seichim connection.

Marsha had been teaching Seichim before 1988 which was time that Kathleen McMaster was teaching Seichim and doing wide spread promotion of the system, by then she had also added several new symbols and her system and Seichim began to have a life of its own.

I gave specific instructions to Kathleen at that time not to make this a lineage based system. I had seen all the conflicts and divisions already present in the Reiki community and did not want this to happen to the Seichim and Sekhem system. Marsha had a very strong connection to all things Egypt. She was already using both spellings in her teaching. In 1988 Lyn Brunnel wrote to me explaining she had found a very strong connection to Sekhem while traveling to Egypt. She found symbols of Sekhem represented by two hands pointing upwards to the heavens; again the image of receiving from above.

It was in 1995 I received a letter from Helen Belot introducing herself. She was asking me question about some of the Symbols and history. She was very excited to have connected to the Seichim energy through a woman named Margo Deepa Slater, who had studied with Marsha, who was Kathleen’s student. Helen was very excited to finally have contact with me. She explained that she had been a Seichim Master for the last two years.

At that time there was a big disagreement with her and Deepa; Deepa told her she was not allowed to teach Seichim. Because if this disagreement Helen then went to the USA in 1991 to Study directly with Marsha, Deepa’s teacher. When she met Marsha, Marsha then told her about Kathleen, so she went to study directly with Kathleen. In Helen’s book “The Sekhem Story”, she says her Teachers Deepa, Marsha, Kathleen and myself all told her that what she was teaching was not Seichim, that her energy was at a much higher vibration. This is not the case. Marsha only had a cup of tea with her, Helen gave no demonstration to her. Her meeting with Kathleen was similar and when I met with Helen we did an exchange and I thanked her for the session, it felt very much like a typical Seichim session and I told her this. During our meeting I also told her that I also used both spelling Seichim and Sekhem to define the energy. I even had Marsha Burack book which defines them as a similar energy.

In Helen’s book “the Sekhem Story” Helen states that I asked her to stop our session because the energy was so high. This was not true. When I worked on Helen, she did ask me to stop, so I guess she got things mixed up in her mind. She asked me to stop because at that time I found an energy block in her throat and asked her to express what was there, she really wanted none of that : ).

Helen did learn from Marsha there was a deeper Egyptian connection.

Deepa her fist teacher had a strong connection to the Eastern Energies and Quan Yin and over laid what she loved over how she taught Seichim, now she discovered the deeper Egyptian connections Marsha.

When Helen returned to Australia from USA, it created even more divisions; she began to use the Sekhem spelling and since she had a direct connection to Marsha and Kathleen, she no longer need to Deepa’s approval to teach.

Helen would refer to the Seichim and Sekhem energy as from the same source in our correspondence and thanked me for introducing it.

To quote her,” I believe Seichim/Sekhem to be of the greatest benefit to healing the difficulties of humanity and the earth, and to by pass the divisions and materialism that have crept into Reiki in this country if possible.”

Wonderful words! So I must ask why all the separation? why all the trademarks?

It was at that time Helen invited me join the Sekhem Foundation since I was the founder of Seichim and Sekhem, in her own words; however, in her letter in 1996 to me it was clear that she was creating a split in the two systems. It was then stated that Seichim was from the East and Sekhem from Egypt. In other words her system now had amore direct connection to Egypt and the Goddess Sekhmet, where the Seichim systems had a Quan Yim connection. I really do not know where al these ideas came from, as it was years later that I had even heard about Quan Yin, much less channeling symbols from her.

In several Seichim Manuals coming out of Australia it was said that Qun Yin had given me the Seichim symbols. This was simply not true. What I found was so amazing was that all this history was written about Seichim and the only people who had made a big effort to contacted me were Kathleen McMasters and Helen Belot.

Because of all of this misinformation, what began to happen in Australia was a huge split in the Seichim and Sekhem community.

Deepa had limited who she taught and her main teachers wanted to teach so they all created their own systems.

The main ones were.

Helen created Sekhem with Sekhmet as the Main Goddess

Mary Shaw created Isis Seichim with Isis as the main Goddess.

Deepa created New Life Seichim with an emphasis on Quan Yin

There were also many others!

Each founder of each new system made similar claims that they had discovered

a new Energy.

This is very typical with the Seichim Sekhem energy.

While these splits were happening in Australia a similar split was happening in the USA.

Kathleen Milner had the Seichim Initiations in California while at an Expo.

It was during this time she had her vision of Sai Baba and afterwards she created the Sai Baba Reiki. Kathleen then reorganized symbols that many of her students were receiving after getting the Initiations and she then created her system that she now calls Tera Mai Seichem. William Rand found the original Sai Baba Reiki that was created by Kathleen and eventually renamed his system Karuna Reiki.

When the “Reiki Source Book “was published it has fifty-seven braches of Reiki, this includes only a small portion of the most well known systems, of the fifty-seven seventeen have a direct connect to the original Seichim, besides Reiki Seichim is responsible for more healing systems than any other system on the planet.

The divisions and branches that were happening in the Reiki community were also happening in the Seichim community.

Each founder was creating their own system making claims they had discovered a new system. In most cases the claims were they had taken the energy to a higher level.

When I first introduced Seichim my intent was just that; as the energy was passed from one person to the next the energy would increase in vibration and depth. This is exactly what has happened. What was not expected was many of the teachers would disassociate themselves from their teacher thus creating multiple fractures within the group energy.

This fracture was probably the greatest with Helen Belot Sekhem and her branches. Helen was a very successful teacher in Australia, Hong Kong, and the UK. Once her success began to spread and Kathleen McMasters died; Helen began to claim that she was the Lineage Bearer of both Seichim and Sekhem. I wrote to her about this and she then dropped her claim about Seichim, but then she began to separate herself from the original Seichim System. Helen began to make all sorts of claims that Seichim was from the East and her Sekhem connection was from Egypt, it was odd that most all of her symbols were directly from the system Kathleen had developed, she even made the distinction that her Sekhem energy was from Orion while Seichim was from the Pleiades, now really : ).

I even did a search on Sekhem and a new web site by Robert Elliot mentions that Helen Belot had no previous connection to any other Seichim system. I really found this odd as I have Helen Belot’s earlier Sekhem Manual and she has Patrick Zeigler as the head of both her Seichim Linage and Sekhem Linage. Once she filed for the Sekhem trademark after Phoenix died, Helen asked all her students to burn their manuals.

Helen’s trademark attempt in the USA failed, but she was successful in the EU. The trademark brought even a further division within the Sekhem community. Many in her inner circle all supported her, while those who did not follow her were left out.

Robert Elliot was one of those who was left out.

So the question is, why would Robert Elliott make this statement the Helen had no connection to Seichim with the development of her system?

Robert was the only person in the European Union to challenge her on her Sekhem application. Since then he has acquired the website. He claims he wants the truth to be known about Helen Belot Sekhem, but what is really happening here? He feels he is the only one who can legally teach Helen’s system because he is the only one who filed a protest. His claim is that Helen has been under attack on the internet. What has happened is since the Trademark and Helen officially banning the world from using the name Sekhem, there has been a huge amount of misinformation and public protest.. The first bit of misinformation is Helen’s trademark is only for EU, her attempts in the USA and Australia failed. What she did trademark is a Logo that Kathleen designed with the word SEKHEM. People can use the word Sekhem but cannot use the logo.

It was not until Helen Belot was making her Trademark attempt that things got way out of hand. The last thing that I wanted was another court battle like what took place with Kathleen Milner and William Rand. When I heard about this I could hardly believe it, yet I did. While I was in Hawaii around 1995 and met with Kathleen McMasters for the first time she told me some of her horror stories about her experiences in Australia. She told me to never trust anyone from Australia and then handed me a letter she had received from Helen Belot commenting on my meeting with her and the Sekhem Logo. Basically Helen was claiming the Logo was hers even though it was Kathleen’s design. The letter made this all very clear. Basically Kathleen had had enough of all the fighting that was going on and made an apology to me for not straightening it all out. Actually she made it even worse and took responsibility for that, around that time Kathleen also changed her name to Phoenix Summerfield. It was a few years later that she died of bone cancer.

It was around that time I was teaching an evening class and one of my students told me there was a discussion about Sekhem and Seichim on the internet. I had not had any experience on the web groups and did not even have email at that time around 1997. It was then I sat down and wrote my experience in the Pyramid. My hope was to somehow bring the splintered Seichim Sekhem community together, but it actually did the opposite. While the majority of people were so happy to have received this missing piece of information there were a very loud few that began a very hostile approach to discredit my experience.

After several years I found old letters talking about my experience to my parents and after that the whole issue seemed to dissolve. Soon I began to teach more international classes and my intent was to somehow bring the Seichim and Sekhem community together. I called what I taught SKHM which is the way SeKHeM would have been spelt if they used our alphabet. The Egyptians did not use vowels in their spelling as they were assumed much like modern day Arabic. This new system only complicated things and eventually I settled on using the name All-Love as that is what this energy connects us with, Love. While Seichim and Sekhem were very much connected with power, All-Love brings that power to the Heart.

It is my wish that at some point there can be harmony within our Seichim and Sekhem community, after all; is that not what all this spiritual healing is all about?

What I am proposing now is a Seichim and Sekhem reunion in Egypt 12:12:2012 to 21:12:2012.

All Branches and Lineages of Seichim and Sekhem are invited. For those that are interested in this reunion please contact me at

All Love

Patrick Zeigler

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Seichim and Sekhem

Is there a difference between Seichim and Sekhem?

Here is an example used in this story.

There were four blind monks that came across an elephant.

The first monk found the leg and exclaimed , oh! An elephant is like a tree.

The second monk found the trunk and exclaimed, Oh no, an elephant is long and is like a snake.

The third monk bumped into the body of the elephant and said , Oh the elephant is like a flying

The fourth monk who found the tail explained , no no the elephant is mare like a large brush and can give you shower!

Each monk had a unique experience of the elephant, yet none actually could perceive the elephant as a whole because they were intent on only feeling the parts of the elephant that they each had discovered.

Eventually each monk was shown by the other monks all around the elephant and it was then that they could all come into agreement that what they initially felt was an elephant was really only a part of something much bigger. Once they realized this they all agreed that what they were experiencing was really all the same.

What I have found is that the Seichim/Sekhem energy is unique for each person and the will typically experience it in a way that they feel most comfortable with. Once a person begins to define it in the way that they experience it then, it does have an effect on the way that others perceive it as well.

This is why so many variations of Seichim have emerged.

This is why when someone says oh, Sekhem is a feminine energy many will experience the goddess energy. Some may say it is a fiery electrical feel and then that is what is passed on to others.

One of the most common experiences is some people will feel a very deep sensation of love, while others may cry or become angry. Each is only a reflection on what is inside each person.
I hope this helps.

All Love